Chapter 15: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

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CBDC, often likened to a cryptocurrency issued by a central bank, has gained traction as a potential game-changer in the financial landscape. In early 2023, Europe is preparing the legislative framework for a CBDC, while in the US, President Joe Biden’s Executive Order in March 2022 initiated exploration into a potential American CBDC.

Digital Euro or Dollar: A New Financial Frontier

The envisaged digital euro or dollar could serve as an alternative to cash or even bank-held money. Upon implementation, every resident could maintain a wallet directly with the central bank. To foster adoption, there’s a likelihood of free distribution of digital euros or dollars to the populace.

However, to prevent a bank run where individuals withdraw all their money from commercial banks, there might be limits imposed on these wallets. While private banks can face bankruptcy, a wallet with the central bank circumvents this risk entirely.

Policy Makers’ Dream and Programmable Features

CBDCs represent a long-held dream for policymakers, offering direct avenues for implementing monetary policies that impact end-users. Unlike the current system where monetary policy influences commercial bank financing costs, a CBDC could directly elevate everyone’s balance, similar to the concept of helicopter money.

With programmable attributes, CBDCs unlock numerous possibilities. A built-in expiry date could require spending received digital euros within a specified period, curbing hoarding tendencies. Additionally, restrictions on spending in certain stores or sectors, attaching a CO2 budget, or customizing interest rates on a wallet-by-wallet basis are all plausible.

Delayed Rollout and Geopolitical Dynamics

The European Central Bank (ECB) currently conducts internal experiments, with the prototype anticipated by late 2023. Subsequent decisions on project continuation, legislative refinements, and actual implementation imply that a digital euro might materialize by at least 2025.

However, Europe trails behind China, actively rolling out the digital yuan. Other nations, including the US, lag as well, although rumors circulate about the potential nationalization of similar projects due to the prevalence of dollar-based stablecoins.

A Threat to Privacy and Individual Freedom

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) represent a new frontier in finance, but beneath the promise of convenience lies a concerning shadow: the potential for unchecked governmental intrusion into individual privacy and freedoms. Observing China’s digital yuan experiments, fears of mass surveillance and control emerge. The digital yuan facilitates government oversight into citizens’ spending, potentially influencing their social credit score or imposing limitations based on purchasing behavior.

The Allure of Absolute Control

CBDCs pave the way for a government-centric monetary system, wielding the power to monitor, restrict, and control financial transactions down to the minutest detail. The programmable nature of these currencies allows governments to dictate usage, enforce spending deadlines, and even curtail transactions within specific sectors or stores.

Tracking Every Transaction: A Surveillance Nightmare

By tracking every digital transaction, CBDCs provide governments with an unprecedented level of insight into citizens’ financial behavior. This detailed scrutiny could extend to monitoring carbon footprints by assessing purchases that contribute to high emissions, potentially restricting individuals from certain activities or purchases based on their environmental impact.

Socioeconomic Impact and Personal Liberties

Such control over financial activities could influence individuals’ access to credit, travel, or even basic services based on their spending patterns, potentially creating a new form of socioeconomic discrimination. A low social credit score might restrict access to loans or prevent individuals from traveling, effectively wielding financial pressure to dictate behavior.

CBDCs: A Totalitarian Tactic?

The ominous resemblance of these measures to authoritarian control mechanisms cannot be overlooked. China’s use of the digital yuan to enforce its social credit system, where undesirable behavior is penalized by limiting access to fundamental services, serves as a potent example.

The Role of Bitcoin: A Beacon of Financial Freedom

In stark contrast, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin symbolize financial sovereignty and autonomy. Bitcoin enthusiasts and proponents view CBDCs as a direct threat to these principles. Should CBDCs materialize into tools for pervasive control, Bitcoin might continue to serve as a haven for individuals seeking to liberate themselves from excessive governmental oversight.

While CBDCs hold the potential for modernizing finance, the precarious trade-off between innovation and individual freedoms becomes increasingly apparent. The allure of control must not overshadow the importance of safeguarding personal liberties and privacy, crucial pillars of any democratic society.
